When it comes to weight loss and fat loss for women, there is no secret whatsoever. The key to lose weight and stay fit depends on two things: diet and exercise. With obesity steadily rising in the United States, weight management and living a healthy lifestyle is essential. Today I will discuss the two main factors to help you lose weight.
You Are What You Eat
To begin with, I am sure you heard the term “you are what you eat” which means your diet has a big impact on your weight loss. I used to eat very unhealthy years ago. Fast foods, dairy products and processed foods where my go to. I gained about 5 pounds in a month and the excess weight made me feel bad. When I added more fruits and vegetables to my diet I began to have more energy and lose weight quickly. Also, eating lean meats like chicken and turkey helped me lose at least one pound per week. Therefore diet is very important.
Get Physical to Lose Weight
Next, physical activity is vital in your weight loss journey because it has so many benefits including cardiovascular and maintaining strength. Just taking a 30-minute walk can make a big difference on improving your heart and maintaining your blood pressure. I had not run for a few years and developed a gut so my goal was to lose belly fat. It took a couple of months to see any results, but I had to run at least two miles every other day to lose the stomach fat. I also did strength training as well, so I did not lose muscle. You do not have to run like I did but just taking power walks in the evening is a great start.
Weight Loss Is A Lifestyle
To say the least, there is no secret or easy way out when it comes to weight loss. It takes hard work and dedication like anything else. You must eat right and workout on daily basis to stay healthy. Diet and exercise must be practiced everyday if you want to lose weight and keep it off.
Leeman Taylor
Owner of Taylor Real Estate LLC
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